The Tribune Trust

Supporting safer communities in the Humber Region


Freddies goes Outward Bounding!


Frederick Holmes School in Hull is an all age community special school for pupils with severe physical disabilities and those with profound and multiple needs. The school’s pupils are vulnerable and spend their lives having to rely on others to meet their needs. The school is trying to fundraise …

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Bubwith Community Youth Club


Bubwith Community Youth Club are a self supporting group run by volunteers and, because of their location, their members do not have access to the activities and experiences enjoyed by their peer group who live in urban areas. This is because of their rural location, limited transport links and the …

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Lincolnshire Volunteer Cards


On Thursday 16 March 2017 High Sheriff of Lincolnshire Jill Hughes visited the Gallery at Grimsby Institiute. Here she presented Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL) IGNITE team and Uniformed Services students from the Institute, with their Lincolnshire Volunteer Card (LVC) certificates.…

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Night Challenge 2017


On Saturday 4 March High Sheriff of the East Riding of Yorkshire Thomas Martin joined about 100 young people in 27 teams tackling this years gruelling Night Challenge. Other Trustees were on hand to see Thomas off on the 13 mile circuit and to see at first hand how the teams aged between 13 and 18 t…

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High Sheriff out and about in Longhill


On Monday 22 February High Sheriff of the East Riding of Yorkshire Thomas Martin joined staff from Humberside Police, Humberside Fire and Rescue Service and Hull City Council on an iniative to make Longhill estate safer as part of an arson and anti-social behaviour awareness day. During the day …

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Helping with a Narrow Boat Experience


For the last two years, Oasis Academy Nunsthorpe has taken a group of eight pupils together with four adults on a week long experience on a narrow boat sailing the waterways of the Black Country. The trip allows these pupils to enjoy several experiences that benefit their personal and social develop…

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Helping heat the Pennine Project


Thomas Martin, High Sheriff of the East Riding of Yorkshire, is shown on a visit to Bodmin Rd Church Pennine Project Hull presenting a cheque for £4,500 to Ian Drysdale the Centre Manager for the project. In 2014 the trustees of Bodmin Road Church made the decision to try and establish a new ce…

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Exiled on the Humber


The Tribune Trust is always looking for exciting ways to raise money so that it can continue to give grants to support projects in the Humber area. In 2013 and 2014 the Tribune Trust held very successful cycle rides that raised thousands of pounds. For 2015 the Tribune Trust did something very diffe…

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Grant for Hull Kayak Club


Tribune Trust Chair Hugh Bethell and Director Paul Cheeseman visited the Hull Kayak Club recently and handed over kayaks the club has purchased with the help of a grant of £2,500 from the Tribune Trust.…

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