The Tribune Trust

Supporting safer communities in the Humber Region


Helping YMCA Humber


YMCA Humber have experience of working with and supporting young people excluded from mainstream primary education. YMCA Humber recognise that mental health and emotional well-being can have a big impact on the development and achievements of young people. Their ‘I’m Possible’ workshop is designed to work with year 6 primary school children. This will focus on emotions, behaviours and how these anxiety’s and emotions can be recognised and channelled in a positive way as they prepare to transition into secondary education. YMCA will work in partnership with the charity “Prison me No Way” (PMNW) and deliver workshops based around the impact of poor emotional wellbeing and how this effects behaviour and choices for the future. The Tribune Trust have made a grant of £2,774 to YMCA Humber to deliver 12 'I'm Possible' workshop days within local schools starting in Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. The workshops will last around 50 minutes and will accommodate around 25 young people. YCMCA Humber propose running 5 workshops in each school reaching up to 125 young people each day. Andrew Clark, High Sheriff of Lincolnshire is shown presenting a cheque to Linda Clark, Community Development Manager for YMCA Humber, together with colleagues. Further information about YMCA Humber and the project can be found on social media or by contacting Linda on telehone 01472 359621. E

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