The Tribune Trust has been the principal sponsor of Humberside Police’s Night Challenge for many years. Members of the Trust were delighted to attend the award ceremony for the 2024 event to see all the young people that took part receive their awards for orienteering nearly 12 miles in the countryside, overnight, whilst completing a series of thought-provoking challenges along the way. The Night Challenge is specifically designed for young people who may have a negative impression of the police and partner agencies, to build those positive relationships, and educate them about the potential consequences of their behaviour and actions. It also helps build team work, communication, leadership and relationship building skills. This evening was a fantastic celebration of the achievements of the participants, who worked so hard on the night, and we all heard a powerful presentation from Mike Burton, founder of Melrose Education, who talked about how he turned his life round from a life of crime to making a positive difference every day. So many people work so hard to make the event happen, and the Trust look forward to supporting future events.
The Tribune Trust have made several grants to community groups in the North Hull area over the years, and also very recently. We have recie…
Case Study Grimsby Full Families The family came to Grimsby Full Families programme as a referral from an Early Help Families First prac…
Back in 2023 a grant was awarded to The Trin, Cleethorpes. Andy Cox, General Manager of the Trin Centre told us. "The donation that we …