The Tribune Trust

Supporting safer communities in the Humber Region


YMCA Humber


YMCA Humber previously piloted sessions, based on mental health and wellbeing, with 1035 year 6 primary school children. The focus of the sessions was on emotions and behaviours and how anxieties and emotions can be recognised and channelled in a positive way as they prepare transition into secondary education. They did this in partnership with the charity “Prison me No Way”. The project was funded with a grant from the Tribune Trust. Results from the workshops showed that 93% of young people felt they benefited from the sessions by feeling less stressed and anxious about the move to their new school. 100% felt they had more understanding of their mental wellbeing and a greater understanding of behaviour during emotional stress. Positive feedback was received from teachers for all workshops delivered within the schools.

The Tribune Trust are therefore pleased to be able support YMCA Humber in delivering a series of five different mental health and wellbeing sessions within local schools, colleges and alternative provider establishments. They aim to empower young people to stay safe, encourage aspiration, which will enable them to become resilient to life’s challenges. The sessions will focus on mental health, body image, bullying, consent and substance misuse. The sessions are designed to help a broad age range of people, 14 - 22 years old, from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds. The topics chosen are things that impact the mental health and behaviour of young people.

As part of the individual sessions they will be developing and supporting suitable young people to become health ambassadors (champions). This training will provide them with the skills needed to listen, empathise, not judge, and signpost other young people to the correct support. Having consulted with young people it has been identified that those who are in true crisis, struggling with emotions and mental health are unlikely to go to a teacher, a school nurse or a programme facilitator for support but would confide in their peers.

YMCA Humber is a well recognised organisation in the area. They are seeking to build on their previous successful pilot project and deliver it to a wider and older audience.

The Director of the Tribune Trust, John Ford, is shown presenting a cheque to Helen Pine from YMCA Humber.

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