Night Challenge 2019
The Tribune Trust has supported Humberside Police and its partners in the running of Night Challenge for several years. The Trust is proud to be able to once again support Night Challenge in 2019.
The purpose of Night Challenge is to help agencies engage with young people and educate them on a serious topic. In 2019 the theme will be Knife Crime and Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) as this is raising concern nationally. Young people are not always aware of the legal consequences of getting involved in crime, or how it can affect those around them. Night Challenge aims to highlight how young people can be victims of crime and give them tools and information on how to stay safe, support others and report concerns. They are also educated on the dangers of drug and alcohol misuse, in a way that makes them think and consider the consequences of their behaviour, without placing them at risk of harm. By taking part in Night Challenge young people are given the chance to be active, learn new skills and work as a team to solve problems.
The project involves 150 young people completing a 13 mile route in the dark, whilst tackling challenges that are designed to educate them in an innovative way. As well as the police other agencies involved include Humberside Fire & Rescue, the Army, the Coastguard, Local Authority Children's Services, Hull Barristers, the NHS, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Search and Rescue, Eskimosoup and other local voluntary services.
The High Sheriff of the East Riding of Yorkshire, Debbie Rosenberg, is shown presenting a cheque to the Chief Constable of Humberside Police.