The Tribune Trust

Supporting safer communities in the Humber Region


Rock Challenge 2018


The Tribune Trust continues to support Humberside Police's excellent Rock Challenge event.

Humberside Police has worked in partnership with Be Your Best Foundation and Rock Challenge since it came to the UK in 1997. Together they aim to show young people that they can gain a "high" from being on stage and performing in front of an audience rather than from drugs or alcohol. Since 2013 nearly 27,000 young people have taken part in Rock Challenge in the Humberside Area, with over 31,000 people attending performances to support those taking part.

The Tribune Trust has provided financial support to Humberside Police over many years as the Rock Challenge event has grown to become a major event for young people in the area.

Rock Challenge continues to involve young people in the performing arts, clearly demonstrating that they can have an exciting and exhilarating experience without having to take drugs or alcohol.

It involves vulnerable young people and gives them the opportunity to work together with other young people to achieve something worthwhile. It helps to promote their wellbeing in terms of physical activity and also deters them from finding a high through the use of drugs and alcohol.

It is hoped that through their involvement in Rock Challenge it will give young people a positive focus in their lives and increase their participation in positive activities, thereby reducing ASB and any possible offending.

Julie Good, the Chairman of the Tribune Trust is shown presenting a cheque to Lee Freeman, the Chief Constable of Humberside Police.

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