The Tribune Trust

Supporting safer communities in the Humber Region


Blue Light Brigade Scunthorpe


Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL) set up the Blue Light Brigade in Grimsby in November 2017 with a grant from the Tribune Trust. Their intention was to start the Brigade in Grimsby and then roll it out to North Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire. There are now 20 retired emergency services volunteers registered with the Blue Light Brigade in Grimsby engaged in community work.

The Tribune Trust is pleased to be able to support VANEL to set up a Brigade in North Lincolnshire following on from the success in Grimsby.

The aim of the Blue Light Brigade is to recruit, train and place retired police and fire officers as community volunteers. Initially linking them to community safety activities to enable their skills, knowledge and experience gained whilst in the police and fire service to be applied for the benefit of local communities where officers live or retire to. As the programme develops the retired officers can decide how they wish to invest their time for the benefit of local voluntary organisations.

VANEL provide the recruits with tailor made quality assured volunteer induction training. They offer a wide range of different volunteering opportunities and work with community safety partners to identify current community problems, which may be appropriate for Blue Lights Brigade volunteers to assist with resolving.

The Trustees believe that retired police officers and fire officers will have invaluable experience of helping to protect vulnerable victims, reduce crime and the fear of crime in communities and help to reduce the impact of alcohol and drugs misuse. Retaining and using this knowledge through a volunteer scheme is both innovative and cost effective. Many retired police and fire officers also have sporting skills or interests which they could put to good use through the scheme by encouraging younger people to be involved in those activities.

Ian Walter, the High Sheriff of Lincolnshire is shown presenting a cheque to Steve Lynne from VANEL together with members of the Humberside Fire and Rescue Service who are supporting the project.

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